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Haiwei Liquor Trading Market
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french and australian wines are wanted
Specification: French and Australian wines are wanted
Detail: Haiwei Liquor Trading Market is the only legal international wine trading platform, which is supported by the Ministry of Commerce of PRC. We adopt membership management. After customs clearance, wines from the suppier members...
a new way to develop china wine market
Specification: A New Way to Develop China Wine Market
Detail: There is a rapidly increasing wine demand in China. But many wineries feel confused that how to enter China quickly and effectively without any risk? Many of them select the traditional trading model. They sell their wines ...
french and australian wines are needed
Specification: bottle
Detail: I'm an employee of China Haiwei Liquor Trading Market which is specialized in wines. My job is to find some international wineries to cooperate with. If you are the winery or the general agency of winery, if you are plann...
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